Getting Started

Adding to Your Project

  1. Copy bmp180 directory to your projects drivers directory.

  2. Add bmp180.c file to your projects source files.

  3. Add bmp180/inc/ directory to your projects include path.

  4. Change I2C_LIB definition in bmp180/inc/bmp180.h (line 14) to your MCU’s I2C HAL library (e.g. "stm32f4xx_hal.h").


  • Temperature: Celsius

  • Pressure: Pascal

  • Altitude: Meter

Simple Usage

// Define bmp180_t struct instance
bmp180_t bmp180 = {.oversampling_setting = standart};

// Wait till initialization is complete
while (bmp180_init(&hi2c1, &bmp180));

// Get all the values
float temperature = bmp180.temperature;
int32_t pressure = bmp180.pressure;
float altitude = bmp180.altitude;

More On Getting Sensor Data

There is actually 2 sensor data: temperature and pressure. Altitude is calculated from pressure data. And each one of them can be measured seperately. But each one of them needs some other data from other calculations.

  • Pressure data needs some calibration values from temperature measurements.

  • Altitude calculation needs pressure data.

There are seperate functions for all 3 of them but measuring them seperately may result inaccurate data. So using bmp180_get_all() function is the recommended way. But if you really need to measure them seperately, here is the recommended minimums of function calls:


float temperature = bmp180.temperature;


int32_t pressure = bmp180.pressure;


float altitude = bmp180.altitude;

Oversampling Settings

BMP180 offers hardware oversampling for sensor data. These are ultra low power, standard, high resolution and ultra high resolution. Check BMP180’s datasheet for detailed information about oversampling.

Changing Oversampling Setting

Oversampling setting is stored in the bmp180_t struct. If you want to change oversampling setting, you should change oversampling_setting member and call bmp180_init() function.

For example if you want to change it to ultra high resolution:

bmp180.oversampling_setting = ultra_high_resolution;
bmp180_init(&hi2c1, &bmp180);


If you don’t call bmp180_init() function after changing setting, oversampling won’t change.

Sea Pressure

Default sea pressure is 101325 pascal.

Changing Sea Pressure

Sea pressure can be changed with modifying sea_pressure member of bmp180_t struct or calling bmp180_set_sea_sressure().

bmp180_set_sea_pressure(&bmp180, 101400);

If you want to measure altitude from any take-off point, first measure pressure at the ground and set it as sea pressure. After that, the new altitude calculation is your altitude from ground.

// ...
// Getting pressure and setting it as sea pressure
bmp180_set_sea_pressure(&bmp180, bmp180.pressure);
// After take-off, measure altitude
float higher_altitude_than_ground = bmp180.altitude;
// ...

I2C Interface

BMP180 sensor only supports I2C interface. So, this driver uses STM32’s I2C HAL libraries. If you want to change it to LL drivers, modify bmp180_read(), bmp180_write() and bmp180_is_ready() functions.